Walk on Through

The New Divine Humanity


Imminent Changes, it is True,
Heaven Sent, with no ado.

When you are Not looking, it does take place,
Without notice, beyond time and space.

Do not imagine, when it will Be so,
be Present in your Heart, Live what you Know.

The focus of Living, is not out there,
have courage to be Free, if you Dare.

Let Go of attachments, and all that you Believe,
Rest in Love, there is nothing to Achieve.

If Living in Victory, is All that you Do,
then you will Begin again, as on Mu.

What is to come has been Prophesied,
do not let thoughts, keep you Preoccupied.

For it is in Truly Living, that This comes about,
not living in fear of darkness, laden with doubt.

Miracles are Here for you, and Dreams do come true,
Breathe in the Love, and walk on Through.


I Am the Victory that is for…

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